St Austell Golf Club – the next 100 years!

You may be aware that the land and assets of the Golf Club are actually owned by a Private Limited Company; St Austell Golf Estates. Every full member of the Club has one share in St Austell Golf Estates and is entitled to vote at the Company’s AGM or other general meetings.

The old lease between the Company and the Golf Club has expired and a new lease has been drawn up for a 50 year term, with an automatic renewal clause for a further 50 years. This secures the future tenure of the Golf Club for the next 100 years.

We intend to hold a small ceremony in the near future to mark this event when the nominated Trustees of the Club will sign the lease on behalf of the Club membership. Following the ceremony there will be an opportunity for members to meet with the current Management Committee and an open forum will be held for any questions or answers that you may wish to raise.

As soon as the date has been agreed you will be notified.